phototiler logophototiler

A photorealistic map renderer and 3D map model exporter.

phototiler v2 is out!

Large cityscape GLTF export, a new user interface and sky model

Exciting news! phototiler v2 is now available. We've made some important changes to enhance the user experience.

Firstly, we've simplified the user interface by consolidating it into a single view. This makes navigation easier right from the start as tiles now load seamlessly.

3d city model builder

In terms of visuals, we removed HDR textures and introduced a new procedural sky model. This not only makes the app more compact but also gives you more control over the look of your 3D maps.

3d city model gltf

On a practical note, phototiler v2 now better handles large cityscape 3D model export. We've also improved hot-reloading, making changes to map selection or scenes immediately visible. And our documentation page is now live – check it out!

Explore the new features and let us know what you think. Your feedback means a lot!

full changelog

– halfmaps